Wednesday, December 2, 2015

He would

Don't mind the time stamp on the pictures, Kyle's not been sharing all the stuff he gets that no one else does ;p

We didn't get much of an update this week, Elder Cox has been sick for a few day's and has been told to rest in bed. He did say he's feeling better, but it hit him hard what ever it was.

On Thanksgiving the awesome lady that keeps calling my mom to talk about Kurtis, called us and let us hear him give the prayer at there house. :)  It was hard to hear what he was says but it was so nice to hear him. we all can't wait till Christmas just so we can Skype.

Back to Kyle not telling us cool stories from Kurtis.... I bet all of Kurtis' comps that enjoy smoked meat love him. We learned recently that this kid has made his oven into a make shift smoker with a few baking pans and wood chips. I bet they smell so good on those days, now I'm hungry lol


The next two pictures could be not so nice, unless your okay with seeing a skinned squall we will see you next post :)

Man this kid doesn't wast anything LOl, I always wonder what his comps think of this...

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